mandag den 27. oktober 2014

It's surREAL

The atmosphere in the works of Eugenia Loli is surreal both witty and sarcastic with a hidden message behind it all. She herself is originally from Grece but is now staying performing her art in California (US). 

Here's a selection of her works. Eugenia is both a filmmaker and a modern vintage collage artist. Stop by her website yourself for more surrealism. 

A rocky start

Astral double
Upper class dealer

lørdag den 4. oktober 2014

Self portraits in chains

Afruz Amighi lives and works in NY. This is some of her art from 2012. Go see her own site. It's simple and peacefull and we are digging it. Have a great weekend! Love Stella. 

Self portrait in chain 2012

Self portrait in chain 2012