onsdag den 17. juli 2013

Update from Stella mag

Enough with the silence! 
No more tossing and turning over the resistance against Stella Magazine’s retirement on the one hand and the lack of money to keep going full speed on the other. We have to say it like it is. The paper version of Stella is having a break. 
This does not mean that Stella is over (no-no). All of us editors are still here in Copenhagen making a living and we still get a lot of inspirational and interesting inquiries from all of you creative people. One week from Tokyo the next from New York. 
Wow and thanks! 

The paper version may take a respite but the Stella blog is still up and running. Let’s benefit from that! 
In the future we will be updating the blog with your projects and inspiration once a week trying to make both blog and Facebooksite as interesting and community-like as possible. You guys are so talented and we want to share what you have to give and show. 

We hope you will contribute to the Stella community – love, share and spread the word. 
Be wild and brave and embrace.

Send an e-mail to Annette (annette@stellamag.net). Describe your project or creative path in a few words (in English). Attach a few photos and perhaps even a link as to where to read more about your craft(s) online. 

Thanks for making it happen! 

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